Identity Verification


Full legal name, Social Security number and birthdate for all borrowers on application.
Phone number, email address, and current and former residential mailing addresses over the last two years.
Driver's License or Government-issued photo ID for all borrowers on application.
Name, addresses, and phone numbers of all employers over the last two years.

Income Verification


Primary and secondary income amounts and sources.
Name, addresses, and phone numbers of all employers over the last two years.
Pay stubs covering the last 30 days.
Written explanation if employed less than two years or employment gap exists within the last 2 years.



Federal tax returns, personal and business, including all Schedules, K1's, etc., for the past 2 years.
Profit and loss statement - year-to-date.

Purchase Property Information


Copy of Signed Purchase Agreement-All pages and all counteroffers.
Closing Agent contact information.
Copy of Deposit Receipt.
Contact info for Listing and Selling Agent.
Address of property being purchased, year built, estimated down-payment amount and purchase price.
Estimates of annual property taxes, homeowners insurance and any homeowner association dues.

Mortgage Verification/Homeowner's Insurance


Mortgage Statement(s) for all existing mortgages for Primary Residence.
Homeowner's Insurance Declaration page.
Homeowners Association Statement (if applicable).

Asset & Bank Documents


Values of bank, retirement (401k, IRA), investment (Stocks, CDs), and other asset accounts.
Monthly debt obligations.
Last 2 months' statements for all accounts listed on the application (include all pages of the statement, including ones that are blank).
Explanation and documentation for any large or unusual non-payroll deposits or withdrawals.

Tax Documents


IRS Form 4506-C - Request for tax transcript, completed, signed and dated.
W-2s for the past two years.
Federal tax returns (1040s) for the past two years (all pages are needed).

Credit Verification


Credit explanation letter for late payments, collections, judgments, or other derogatory items in credit history.
Bankruptcy/discharge papers for any bankruptcies in credit history.

Social Security, Disability Or Pension


Social Security Award Letters.
SSA-1099 for the past two years-all borrowers on application.
Pension Award Letters.

If You Own Rental Properties


Signed rental agreement(s) - all properties.
Mortgage Statement(s) - all properties.
Homeowners Insurance - all properties.
Tax Bills - all properties.



Divorce Decree.
Separation Agreement.
Proof account paid.
DD-214-VA loans only.
Certificate of Eligibility- VA loans only.

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